Yukiko Howell Memorial S.T.E.M. Scholarship

Estimated Value: 1500
Available Scholarship:  1
Scholarship Year:  2023

The Washington State Chapter of Women in Aviation, International (WAI) offers a $1500 scholarship for Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (S.T.E.M.) education in memory of Yukiko Howell.

WAI Mechanical Engineering Scholarship

Estimated Value: 5000
Available Scholarship: 4
Scholarship Year:  2023

This scholarship will be awarded to a student pursuing a degree in aeronautical, electrical, or mechanical engineering degree. Candidates will be evaluated on academic standing, personal accomplishments, leadership skills and future career aspirations.  Applicants must meet all WAI scholarship requirements, a minimum GPA of 3.0 (on a 4.0 scale); enrolled in an accredited U.S. engineering through a college or university; and must be a sophomore or higher.

The NKL Aerospace Engineering Scholarship

Estimated Value: 1000
Available Scholarship:  1
Scholarship Year:  2023

Individual must be enrolled or accepted in an accredited 2 or 4-year college, technical institution, or certificate program with a declared major in Aerospace Engineering. Have a minimum GPA of 3.0 on a 4.0 scale. Applicant must provide a copy of an enrollment acceptance letter.

Delta Air Lines Engineering Scholarship

Estimated Value: 5000
Available Scholarship: 1
Scholarship Year: 2023
Delta Air Lines will award a $5,000 scholarship to a student currently enrolled in a Baccalaureate degree in Aerospace/ Aeronautical, Electrical, or Mechanical Engineering. In addition to the $5,000 scholarship, the recipient will receive a trip to the 34th Annual Women in Aviation International Conference (includes round trip airfare, hotel

Bonita Jean Olson Memorial Scholarship

Estimated Value: 3000
Available Scholarship: 1
Scholarship Year: 2023

Bonnie started her career as an educator, moving on to the aviation and aerospace industry, and spending almost 30 years working in commercial aviation and space programs. Upon retirement her passion for aviation blossomed while volunteering at The Museum of Flight, where she loved to lead tours attired as a Women Airforce Service