One of the most important investments one can make is to join AMAC. A strong, unified voice through AMAC is the best opportunity to make a difference in diversity inclusion initiatives throughout the aviation and aerospace industries.
Vision: To create economic equity, access and wealth for minorities and women in the aviation and aerospace industries.
Mission: To advance the full participation of minorities and women in employment and contracting opportunities throughout the aviation and aerospace industries.
AMAC represents a diverse membership of airports, corporations, minority, women-owned, disadvantaged business enterprises and professionals within the aviation and aerospace industries. As an AMAC National Member, you gain exclusive benefits to boost your professional goals. AMAC Chapters provide members with abundant opportunities to connect with professionals in your area through chapters. An AMAC National Membership is required to join an AMAC Chapter.


Core Membership Benefits
- Eligibility to Join AMAC Chapters
- Eligibility to Join an AMAC Committee
- Use of “AMAC Member” Seal
- Access to Searches and Postings to the AMAC Opportunity Center (Bid/Job Board)
- Access to AMAC Membership Directory
- Access to DBE/ACDBE Directory
- M/W/SBE/AC/DBE Certification Assistance
- Member Rates to AMAC Events
- Access to Member-Only Events
- Car Rental Discounts
- Access to Scholarship and Internship Opportunities
- Access to a Curated Community of DEI Champions
- Access to Leadership Opportunities on National Committees
- Networking, Mentoring, Professional Development and Continuing Education Opportunities
- Subscription to Connections Newsletter
- Subscription to Exclusive Member Communications
National Membership Levels
Membership Cycle
January 1 – December 31
Example: January 1 – December 31, 2024
Open to airports defined by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) as scheduled air carrier service or general aviation airports. Size standards are according to the FAA’s annual U.S. commercial enplanements.
- All Core Member Benefits
- Receives Twenty-Five (25) Employee Representatives
- Receives Two (2) Votes in the AMAC Annual Board of Directors Election
- Eligibility to Post Thought Leadership Article*
- Unlimited Postings to AMAC Event Calendar
- One (1) Executive Membership for CEO/Director**
- One (1) Conference Two-Day DBELO Training
- One (1) Free Executive Conference Registration**
- Hosting of Virtual Outreach Event with AMAC
- New Member Discount (15%) for Airport Tenant/Vendors***
* Restrictions Apply; Subject to AMAC Approval
** Reserved for the Airport Director or CEO Only
*** Cannot Be an Existing or Previous Member of AMAC

Annual Dues | |
General Aviation | $3,000 |
Small Hub | $5,000 |
Medium Hub | $10,000 |
Large Hub | $15,000 |
Open to businesses that currently possess at least one of the recognized designations/certifications (such as but not limited to ACDBE, DBE, MBE, SBE and WBE). Applicants are required to provide proof of certification.
- All Core Member Benefits
- Receives Five (5) Employee Representatives
- Receives One (1) Vote in the AMAC Annual Board of Directors Election
- Eligibility to Post Thought Leadership Article (1)*
* Restrictions Apply; Subject to AMAC Approval

Annual Dues | |
Small ($0M–$15M) | $500 |
Medium ($15M–$30M) | $700 |
Large ($30M–$40M) | $1,000 |
Based on Annual Gross Revenue
Open to for-profit businesses who do not qualify for or hold any of the designations or certifications (as defined by the Business membership level) recognized by AMAC.
- All Core Member Benefits
- Receives Twenty-Five (25) Employee Representatives
- Receives Two (2) Votes in the AMAC Annual Board of Directors Election
- Eligibility to Post Thought Leadership Article*
- Unlimited Postings to AMAC Event Calendar
- One (1) Executive Membership for CEO**
- Hosting of Virtual Outreach Event with AMAC
- Partner AMAC Membership Discount ($50)
* Restrictions Apply; Subject to AMAC Approval
** Reserved for the Airport Director or CEO Only

Annual Dues | |
Small ($0M–$150M) | $4,000 |
Medium ($151M–$350M) | $7,000 |
Large ($350M+) | $12,000 |
Based on Annual Gross Revenue
Open to Employees from City, State and Federal Government and Educational Institutions Involved in Administering, Managing or Promoting Minority and Women Business Participation or Employment in the Aviation Industry. Subject to review and approval by the AMAC National Office for the appropriate membership level.
Open to existing Airport, Business and Corporate level memberships that have reached the allotted number of representatives and need to add additional members. Subject to review and approval by the AMAC National Office for the appropriate membership level.
- All Core Member Benefits
- Receives One (1) Employee Representative
- Receives One (1) Vote in the AMAC Annual Board of Directors Election

Annual Dues | |
$315 |
Open to individuals actively enrolled full-time in a High School, Undergraduate or Graduate Program. Applicants are required to provide a copy of their current or upcoming semester class schedule.
- All Core Member Benefits
- Receives No Vote in the AMAC Annual Board of Directors Election

Annual Dues | |
$25 |
Chapter Membership Overview
- An AMAC National Membership is required to join any AMAC Chapter.
- The fee to join an AMAC Chapter is $50 per person, per Chapter, per year.
- AMAC National and Chapter Memberships run annually from January 1–December 31.
- When renewing your AMAC Chapter Membership, you will need to re-select the Chapter(s) you’re interested in joining.
- Please allow up to five business days to process your application.
Current Chapters
- Baltimore, MD/Washington, DC
- Chicago, IL
- Denver, CO
- Detroit, MI
- Los Angeles, CA
- Portland, OR
- Atlanta, GA
Coming Soon!
- Houston, TX